Enloe Students Can Vote Too!

Many high school seniors are focused on waiting; waiting for college admissions, waiting for job interviews, waiting simply to get out of the house and make their own rules. But what we don’t have to wait for is employing our right to vote. In North Carolina, any person who is 18 and registered by the November general election of that year is granted the right to vote in the primaries in the spring. The primaries are the elections held in every state to determine what candidates will be on the ballot in the fall, and allow citizens to vote for who they align with, even if they aren’t the political party nominee. These elections apply to all candidates, from national to grassroots. Every contested race is on the ballot for the people to choose from and all persons eligible to vote by then are welcome. This means it is students’ first chance to vote and have their voices heard.
While it sounds like just another bureaucratic process with little excitement, voting in the primary elections is essential, especially for new voters in the general election. The NC primary is much more widespread than the general and gives citizens the chance to learn as much about the issues and platforms of their local and national representatives as they can before the final voting day. It might not be the most glamorous, or most publicized, but it is just as important. Local elections are the ones that impact our schools, roads, and parking fees. Adding your voice to the mix very may well tip the scales and implement a new program that could change your everyday routine. While the Presidential and gubernatorial races in November are more exciting and dramatic, it’s the primaries that tee up exactly who else is on the ballot. Having the chance to vote in these elections at 17 is the first step to establishing a lifelong commitment to upholding our democracy. Every single senior at Enloe who registered to vote, either by form or upon obtaining a driver’s license, is eligible to vote in the North Carolina primaries on March 3, or before then. With polling stations all over the Triangle, Fuquay to Cary to Rolesville, there is guaranteed to be a precinct to take your vote.
March 3rd, or “Super Tuesday,” is the national primary day with elections going on in 14 states, including the two most populated states. Taking action and voting on primary day may feel arduous, but is part of the democratic system at work, and we, as blossoming adults, have the chance to participate. March 3rd isn’t the only possible voting day, either. Early voting runs from February 13-29 and any registered voter can appear at any precinct to cast their ballot. Voting in the primaries is incredibly important because they impact your home most directly, and give you a sense of what candidates are asking for your vote in the fall. Regardless of political party, every person has the fundamental right to vote. Employing that right at 17 is the first step to independence, and even though you might have to wait a little while for those future plans to fall into place, you can make a difference in your local community here and now.
Early voting schedules are available at the following link: http://www.wakegov.com/elections/info/early/Pages/default.aspx

Madison found her passion for opinion because of her love of Saturday Night Live and the editorial section of The New Yorker and New York Times. She spends...