UNDERCOVER MUSIC #4: The Stash! Band
“Acoustic metal” may not sound like a real genre, but Stash Wyslouch is convinced it is, and by the time you hear “69 Tremors from the Vat”, you will be too. In his 2015 album, STASH!, he’s somehow managed to perfectly capture the soul of heavy metal with only an acoustic guitar, an acoustic bass, a single snare drum, a cymbal, and a violin. But the album is more than a heavy metal imposter; it’s complete with mariachi (“Mallanito”), distorted country satire (“G Runnin’”), and plenty of screaming about real world problems. With lyrics like, “It’s OKAY / My fingertip grew back”, who wouldn’t love the Stash! Band?
Check it out on Spotify:
And Apple Music :

Sam is looking forward to another awesome year for the Eagle's Eye, pandemic or not! He loves to go to concerts, festivals, and anyplace there’s live...