College Ruled Paper ONLY
To write on wide-ruled and not be instantly disgusted by it is just appalling. It is harmful to the environment, and our eyes. If “college students” cannot understand this, they cannot understand the college way of life. Universities should create a new policy suspending students for writing on wide-ruled paper, due to the damaging of our mental state, aesthetics and environment.
Such distress is taking a toll on faculty members, as seen by heavy complaints.
“I just can’t look at a student the same way,” explains one Harvard professor, “How can one’s handwriting be so big? How can one write an entire college assignment on paper meant for kindergarteners? I just don’t understand.”
It has been clinically proven to show that lines spaced more than 7mm is both emotionally damaging, as studied through various psychology reports (Quora, 1957) as well as physically damaging to the retinas (Yahoo Answers, 1899.)
Those 8.7 mm spaced lines could also be cut in half and conserve 50% or more on paper. More than 12 million trees are cut down for the use of wide ruled paper, double the amount of college ruled (PETA, 2026.) Detrimental to already dwindling natural resources, this environmental crisis can be reduced simply by abolishing such abomination.
No formal policy has been established to address this atrocity. However, in many’s eyes, including mine, those that use wide ruled will continue to be seen as inferior and should be barred from college education.

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amitauja • Apr 16, 2020 at 10:06 AM