New COVID-19 Strains and How to Protect Yourself From Them
There are many strains of COVID that have been developing, but three have truly come to prominence during this last month. These three strains are B.1.1.7 which originates from the UK, B.1.351, which originates from South Africa, and P.1, which originates from Brazil. All three of the strains are more contagious than the original strain of COVID, but so far, it seems as if the vaccines are effective against them. Here are ways that you can protect yourself from these new strains.
Health experts have been recommending people to double-mask since the beginning of the pandemic. When double-masking, wear a cloth mask over a surgical mask. This combination is imperative because surgical masks have proven to be more effective than cloth masks in terms of their filters, but they have large gaps on the sides of them, allowing for COVID particles to pass through the sides of the mask. This can be solved by wearing a tighter cloth mask over the surgical mask, allowing it to mold the surgical mask closer to your face.
CDC Mask Recommendations
The CDC recommends double-masking along with wearing a singular KN95. They recommend choosing masks with a nose wire, as the wire keeps air from leaking out the top of your mask. They recommend mask fitters and braces for the same reason as double-masking: to keep the medical mask snug to your face. The CDC does not recommend wearing more than one surgical mask at once nor combining KN95s with other masks.
Debunking COVID Myths: Vitamins
You may have heard that certain vitamins can prevent you from contracting coronavirus. This is FALSE. Experts have proven that there is no correlation between contracting coronavirus and taking vitamins, although it doesn’t hurt to take vitamins to boost your immune system. Taking vitamins such as vitamin D, C, zinc, and potassium keeps your immune system strong and helps its ability to fight coronavirus if you were to contract it.
Social Distancing
Like always, the most effective thing you can do to keep yourself from contracting coronavirus is distancing yourself from others. Other important things to keep in mind are keeping your social circle small, and limiting visits to public places and indoor buildings. COVID is spread by droplets from coughing, sneezing, and talking, so staying away from people who could potentially spread these droplets is the most effective way to not contract coronavirus.

Matthew is a senior and is very excited to be the news editor this year! He loves writing about political issues and local news. Outside of...