A Junior´s Guide to the ACT

When and where?

The test will be on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 at 7:30 am. Below are the testing locations based on last name. (If you are a student with accommodated tests, you were notified by student email if you were given an alternate location/date.)

What to Bring

  • Student ID (or acceptable photo ID)
  • Graphing calculator (check the ACT calculator policy to make sure your version is ACT-approved)
  • Non-mechanical, sharpened No. 2 pencils

*Updated* Bell Schedule 3/1

for ACT test-takers


for all other students

Studying Tips

  • Study in repetitive increments
  • Take practice tests
  • Do the questions out of order
  • Identify weak areas and work to specifically improve them, especially if the content is unfamiliar

Preparing in the Evening/Morning of the ACT

  • Do something relaxing the night before instead of cramming
  • Get plenty of sleep by opting to go to bed early
  • Choose a comfortable outfit for test day
  • Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning that will last you
  • If you normally drink coffee, do not skip your coffee 🙂
  • Try to stick to the same morning routine you normally do

Test-Taking Tips

  • Take deep breaths and try staying positive
  • Answer easy questions first, use logic on harder ones
  • Answer every question (no penalty for guessing)
  • Pace yourself and occasionally check the time
  • If you are stumped, select whichever you think is best and move on
  • It’s recommended to bubble at the end (have your answer sheet efficiently positioned next your test booklet)


There is no confirmed date for when scores will be released, but students received a letter and ¨Taking the ACT” booklet in homeroom (if you did not, ask your homeroom teacher or email [email protected]).


The ACT makeup date is March 15th.

Further Resources

Preparing for the ACT

ACT practice for each subject

MyACT sign-in