Clearing Up Misconceptions About the Eagle’s Eye
Is Newspaper a class or club?
Newspaper is a class that requires approval through our application. However, do not put in on your class registration. If accepted, your counselor will add it to your schedule for you. Once you are in the class, you are given a grade. You have the same responsibilities as you would in any other class.
What responsibilities do I have?
Though we don’t give out tests or homework, you’re still expected to produce content and are graded on the work you create. We also sometimes give assignments that are put in the gradebook, too.
What if I don’t have any experience?
Newspaper provides a safe space for you to learn how to write articles in all sections (news, opinion, features, arts & entertainment, sports, satire, and creative writing) with the guidance of veteran editors. We also have other fields we work in as well.
What else does the Eagle’s Eye do?
The Eagle’s Eye has a podcast in collaboration with the Down ‘Loe team named Inside the Eye. We also have a graphics team if you’re interested in learning graphic design as well!

Marshall's just a silly little guy with a passion for voicing their unnecessary opinion! When they aren't writing about their original characters...