Women’s Tennis: Causing a Racket?
Many people are overwhelmed by the idea of starting a new sport, whether it be because of a lack of experience or a lack of equipment. A great option if you want to get active is tennis, as it is one of the most community-building sports. You can always find people on the tennis courts because of its accessible culture. All ages and levels are able to enjoy the game. Proof of this can be seen in any YMCA, public gym, pool club, or here at Enloe. Vivian Kruase, a member of our Women’s Tennis team, loves it for this reason, saying, “It’s decently accessible because you don’t need that many tools. You just need a racket and there are public courts…You can build a community around it for your entire life.” This community is also present at Enloe, with our own Women’s Tennis Team.
The Enloe Women’s Tennis Team is unique in the fact that its practices are built on the responsibility and drive of the players. They don’t have regular practices, instead, each one is in charge of their own training schedule. This allows for natural collaboration within the team, as they are able to organize practicing together on their own time. As tennis is a sport played in singles and doubles, this natural relationship building is imperative to the dynamic of the team, as it is their only chance to play together outside matches. Coach Spivey’s encouragement builds the team this way to foster the passion of his players. Ella Holderness, a freshman experiencing her first year with him as her coach says, “He’s very passionate about his sport…He’s a coaching veteran [with] lots of titles under his belt.”
Like other sports, there are “starting players” called the top six. They play the single games, but this lineup changes so everyone gets a chance to play. The lineup is originally determined by tryouts, so players spend the summer preparing to do their best. Since the whole team doesn’t play every match, there is a lot of opportunity for teammates to support each other. Vivian was incredibly affected by a senior her freshman year who gave her a big pep talk at her first game, saying, “I was so honored because she was such a good player.” Vivian’s experience and how it impacted her to this day proves that the support between team members is inspiring. Moments like these throughout the season create the community many love about tennis. Neither Vivian nor Ella want to play at the college or professional level, but they both express a love for the sport and a want to continue wherever they can. Ella clarified that while “[she] loves tennis, [she] loves the team experience of it the most.”
After having a successful season this year, both Coach Spivey and the returning are excited and ready for not only another good season, but a better one. These players are practicing year-round to prepare for next season, including during the summer when they will compete in tournaments. Multiple players encourage reaching out to them for any questions about joining the team, as well as keeping up to date with their Instagram for tryouts and any other needs. Keep a lookout for Women’s Tennis next year and support our amazing players at any future matches!

Kelley Calvillo is so excited to return to Newspaper, this year as Opinion and Creative Writing Co-Editor. Outside of newspaper, she is a...

Sophia is a senior looking forward to being the Opinion editor for Eagle’s Eye. She spends a lot of her time dancing and reading. When she...