Before Spotify, before iTunes, before Pandora, how did you stay informed while on the go? The answer is simple: the radio. Hidden away in the audio production hallway, a small group of student producers meets every day during first period to create an episode of “The Down Loe,” Enloe’s very own radio show.
For the first time, Enloe’s radio production studio, The Nest, is putting out daily episodes of a radio show consisting of music, interviews, and more. It all started last year when audio production teacher Mr. Hedgpeth recruited a varied group of students to create the show. Together, they came up with a formula for each episode: two to three hosts, a producer, and an assistant producer. Although we as listeners only hear the hosts, the producer and assistant producer are responsible for the transitions between segments and the overall flow of the episode. Since the very first edition this year, the show has been off to a great start.
While the formula seems simple, the behind-the-scenes consists of weeks of planning and quick thinking. Each morning, the crew of “The Down Loe” meets to discuss the plans for that day: who’s hosting, who’s producing, and who’s preparing for their next show. Executive producer and founder Cole Thomas explains the planning process, “We don’t have a script…but we have a plan… the idea is that we have all the songs we’re going to play and then we plan out what we’re going to say in between each of the songs.” Thomas says the songs he chooses to play aren’t random, but rather dependent on the atmosphere they create and how much he knows about them. Introducing a track with a background story or anecdote relating to the song makes it more meaningful, according to Thomas.
Although there is a brief outline for each episode, producer and host Oso Cash says plans can always change at the moment. “You’re supposed to plan ahead, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.” This creates the very laid-back vibe of the studio as a whole and takes some pressure off of the students as well.
The creators of “The Down Loe” take heavy inspiration from college radio shows. Thomas asserts his admiration for UNC. “UNC radio is the best one. I listen to [the] radio in my car,” explaining he often tunes into local radio stations. “The Down Loe” staff agree on both local and national radio shows being sources of inspiration, such as 101.5 and NPR.
However, while the similarities are evident in some places of the show, “The Down Loe” is expanding beyond the norms of most school radio shows. “I wanna be more transformative,” says Thomas, “[I want to] talk more about stuff that’s happening in the world.” Thomas explains how high school radio presents a unique opportunity, “I think real-world news could be something interesting, taking the real world and turning it into stuff at Enloe; high school is a microcosm of the world. For example in the election, young voters are always the key, and high school is where the young voters are. It’s an opportunity to do journalism.”
As their first year continues, “The Down Loe” is sure to grow and evolve into an integral part of the Enloe community. As students, you are always welcome to contribute to the show personally, as you are always welcome to submit song requests via Instagram. Follow the show on Instagram @enloedownloe and on Mixcloud here. Next time you’re feeling bored, tune into “The Down Loe” and give them a listen!