The last item left in my fridge is the half-carton of milk I’ve been surviving on since the rain started. I’m terrified to step on a scale, I’m terrified...
They say we are the future,
I take it and I grin.
They mean well, I know,
but I can’t help the despair seeping in.
Because if they are looking to the future,
the now is of the...
Kelley Calvillo, Opinion and Creative Writing Editor
• March 13, 2024
As I curl a strand of hair around a finger,
I feel the dam break.
The water knows it can leave,
and a wave forms.
It crests, and I can’t breathe, I can’t speak,
I don’t want to be...
Audrey Weaver, Creative Writing Editor
• February 27, 2024
An Apartment, 2023
A sliver of sun peeks through the window, illuminating my room. It’s just enough to wake me, and when I open my eyes, the previous day comes slamming into my mind like a brick....
The View from Classroom 2210
In the early morning hours,
As dawn’s light twitches past autumn-stained leaves,
Two sparrows alight the branch outside my window.
Elise Kohli, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• December 6, 2023
She met someone last spring. They reminded her of a feeling she’d yet to name. Once, when the breeze was warm and their eyes were bright, she couldn't help but smile to herself. She adored them.
Trace to embrace
Trace the wounds time had left.
Fingertips a spider's-web of healed oopsies and uh-ohs
Embrace the kisses mother nature placed upon your skin, tiny bumps and blemishes...
Audrey Weaver, Creative Writing Editor
• October 19, 2023
A Two Room Apartment, 2023
The man in the tank top winces as I gingerly place a bandaid on his arm. For the most part, his wounds are all bruises, covering his face, stomach, and legs. He sits on the...
I’m on FaceTime with my uncle,
he shows me the TV.
A reporter stands there talking, til
news flash: one, two, and three.
Three cities full of people,
told to run and hide.
Audrey Weaver, Creative Writing Editor
• October 9, 2023
A Coffee Shop, 2023
He spends most mornings with me, just the two of us, alone except for the jazz that plays through the store and the occasional customer. Sometimes, he doesn’t even buy a coffee;...
Kelley Calvillo, Opinion and Creative Writing Editor
• October 3, 2023
She is made of ugly words and unforgiving truths and if she does not write them down, she will drown in them. There is a man beside her, and his arm brushes hers. He smells like her dad’s cologne and...