The endless pursuit of advancement, no matter the cost. Children running for their lives. If you thought this was a dramatic retelling of war, you’d be wrong. This is Enloe carpool, and the following...
The 2025 presidential inauguration was historic. It was the first in 50 years to be held indoors, and only the second inauguration in America’s history for a President serving a non-consecutive second...
The Enloe bathrooms - magical places with vast purposes. Are you trying to play Block Blast but your classroom phone pie chart is on red? Do you need to sulk and cry for a bit? Forgot to annotate your...
As course registration approaches, students all over Enloe scramble to determine which classes they want to take. Factors like the difficulty of the subject and who teaches the class can either incentivize...
Minty Parker, Graphics Editor and Publicist
• February 7, 2025
It’s difficult to be alive right now.
With so much to worry about, it’s tempting to do the bare minimum: to only do the things we like, and outsource the rest. From essays to...
For me, a skincare routine has always been a tedious task. I’d have to wake up earlier in the morning to not miss a single step, or risk breaking out or becoming sunburnt at some point in the day. I...
If you are looking for a place to study, a yummy treat, or a nice bonding experience, boba is the answer. With the rise in popularity of Asian foods and drinks, a chronic boba addiction has swept the younger...
Bombarded with headlines about wildfires, pollution, and rising sea levels, today’s high schoolers may be more environmentally conscious than ever before. Yet, despite being aware of the problems, many...
This winter has hit America hard. In a freezing cold limbo, we wait for the start of the next presidential term, our next four years. There’s one pressing question: how will the country as we know it...
Remember the good old days? I’m not talking about childhood, the pre-pandemic years, or even winter break. I mean the 2022-23 school year, when nesting days were mandatory in every class.
The Nintendo Pokémon games have had a lengthy and profitable history, beginning in 1996 with Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green, and continuing on today with the latest release, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet....
Minty Parker, Graphics Editor and Publicist
• January 7, 2025
Have you ever been walking down the hallways of William G. Enloe High School, minding your own business, when you spotted an unknown peer and thought to yourself: “What on earth are they wearing right...