Since last February, WCPSS has been testing Gaggle, a student activity monitoring program that tracks activity from school-issued emails from school-owned and personal devices. At the beginning of this...
Charlene Wu, Co-Editor in Chief
• February 23, 2022
Are you a senior interested in pursuing a career in teaching? Following the recent struggle to hire new teachers, The Future Teachers Program is a new recruitment initiative launched to guarantee teaching...
On Monday morning, Wake County Public School students woke up to a National Weather Service Flash Flood Warning claiming that “This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel...
There is no denying that bullying has occurred in schools around the world for years. It can cause intense psychological damage and has rarely been addressed in the ways it needs to. School staff, parents,...
Hannah Kaufman, Creative Writing Editor
• October 8, 2019
Sep 30th and October 9th. What do those dates mean to you? At first glance, they seem to be random days out of the calendar. After closer research, it can be determined that these two dates happen to be...