East Building Rooftop Pool Closed Indefinitely After Another ACT Misadministration, Students and Staff Heartbroken
Enloe’s cherished rooftop pool, located on top of the East Building, was tragically closed indefinitely on March 23rd after a crack in the floor of the pool caused a leak in the East Gym during the ACT retest, causing yet another misadministration. This news has left many Enloe students and faculty heartbroken, as the pool was one of the most sacred places at Enloe.
Joe King, a junior who was taking the ACT in the East Gym during this incident, recalled that “Once the pool water started gushing from the ceiling and perfect 36-scored answer sheets floated at our ankles, no one cared that we would have to take the ACT for the third time. All the concern was reserved for our beloved rooftop pool.”
Dr. Chavez, Enloe’s new IB Anthropology teacher, said, “Now that the pool is gone, where will I go to ‘grade homework’ while my scholars are taking AP Classroom tests?”
Enloe’s swim team is perhaps the most affected by this tragedy. The Eagle’s Eye spoke with Ollie Tabooger, the swim team’s captain, and surprisingly, the team is making the most out of this disaster. “Once the pool was closed, we all had to start thinking quickly of what direction we should go in next, after all, have you ever heard of a school swim team without a pool at their school? Luckily, one of our members proposed the idea of pursuing Broughton in a legal battle for custody of their pool and it’s going really well so far! We can’t wait until the pool is ours!”
As Enloe students and faculty watch this catastrophe unfold, many are reflecting on their most favorite experiences at this beloved pool.
Ms. Trice, one of the many newspaper teachers at Enloe, said, “I’ll never forget the joy that came with asynchronous days. From 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, the entire faculty would relax in the pool after assigning a mentally devastating amount of child labor disguised as homework.”
Jeffrey Wang, a sophomore, expressed that his favorite memory of the rooftop pool was “that time I dropped a piece of bologna in the pool and we found out a month later that it had grown into a whole bologna sausage.”
Batthew Murkhart, the triangle section leader in the Marching Band, recounted that “Whenever the baseball field and the football field were taken, which was very often, we would always resort to practicing in the rooftop pool. Marching and playing underwater seriously helps you strengthen your lungs and we’re all going to miss that opportunity. Also since we’re underwater, no one can tell that I’m not playing!”
The East Building’s rooftop pool was well appreciated and cherished by all that came into contact with it. Enloe’s population will grieve the loss of this remarkable pool and will continue to remember the great memories that came with it. The Eagle’s Eye is scheduled to hold a vigil atop the East Building at 4:20 am on April 1st, 2021. Everyone is welcome to come and pay their respects to our beloved rooftop pool.

Matthew is a senior and is very excited to be the news editor this year! He loves writing about political issues and local news. Outside of...