A silver circuit rounds the moon
Satellites say it’ll be here soon;
Frenzied voices, “it’s the end!”
And then the ship starts to descend…
The skies are clear; it’s landing...
I saw a fat toad on my doorstep.
It spoke to me in its toad words:
“Would you care to dance?”
And I of course obliged.
A pirouette by me
A hop by the fat toad
There’s this feeling I get in a foil-fight, right when it’s the crux of the battle and you can hear the blood rushing between your ears. Everything is tunnel-visioned: the mesh-mask protecting your...
He was an unassuming man. About six feet tall, he was slim with long, unkempt hair painted in various shades of dark night. The kind of man you’d pass on the street without a second thought.
He wandered....
The safety rules for going on a trip to the beach are pretty standard. Reapply sunscreen, wear a life jacket, and do not drink the tap water that could be detrimental to human health. That last one...
Caden Gregorio, Student Sustainability Alliance Vice-President
• March 29, 2021
Sustainability joins the Conversation
When we think about creating a better, healthy, and brighter future for our environment, we often limit our minds to the widespread taglines of “going green”...