Senior Spotlight: Ariel Solomon
Ariel Solomon is an absolute powerhouse. No literally. She does it all and somehow radiates positive energy each and every day. To name a few of her endeavors in high school, she was a part of the Varsity Girls’ Volleyball team, a member of the BSU, an absolute goddess at art, a spectacular staffer for the Eagle’s Eye, and a future Phoenix at Elon for environmental science. She’s one of the few people in the world who can make you feel like you’ve known her forever when you actually really met within the last few years. As one of her friends, Sam Heyl said, and what many people we’ve interviewed for this spotlight would agree with, “She’s one of the kindest, most energetic people I’ve met, I’m really lucky to have her as a friend.”
As a part of the Eagle’s Eye staff, Ariel is well known for her storytelling skills, whether that be through words or her art. She’s currently working on a novel, which she wants to publish at some point in the future. As her friend Marlon Lee says, “[we] really hope she finishes that novel she’s working on.” She’s also an amazing artist and draws in her free time. She also has an art account on Instagram where she frequently posts her newest works.
One of the most outstanding qualities of Ariel is her ability to stand up for what she believes in, no matter what other people think. Whether it be about something as little as giving someone advice or advocating for equal rights, she’s not afraid to speak her truth. “She’s very passionate about the things she’s into. And I like how she isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She doesn’t care about hurting people’s feelings if it means doing the right thing and I really respect that,” Lee says. In a world where most rather appease those around them to fit in than speak their truth and stand up for what they believe in. It’s only natural that Ariel, of all people, wants to eventually become an environmental lawyer post-college to better the environment and the various laws that surround it.
Ariel’s welcoming personality tied along with an impeccable sense of humor creates the easiest person to talk to. Heyl says that one of her favorite memories with Ariel is “sitting in Mr. Puckett’s room during art class and just ranting about an assortment of things.” Whether you go to her for advice or just want to have a discussion about the newest season of Miraculous; she will make you feel heard. She just radiates positivity and energy and can make even first period on a Monday morning joyful. Her whimsical “good mornings” as she enters the classroom along with cracking a joke at 7:15 in the morning can turn around anyone’s day. Ariel has a huge heart and if someone’s feeling down, will always be there to comfort them. She’s always the first person to ask about your day, the first person to volunteer to help you out, and the person who will patiently listen to you vent about the most random of things. She will always make her presence known in a room with her kindness and honesty.
Ariel is an amazing human being with a beautiful soul. We’re really lucky to have a person like her as a friend and on the staff at the Eagle’s Eye. We wish her luck on her future endeavors as an environmental science major at Elon University. We know she’s going to be successful in whatever she puts her mind to.
We love you and are going to miss you so much Ariel, but we know you’re going to go to great heights after high school!

Marlene is a senior and excited to start writing for the eagle’s eye! She loves over analyzing any media she indulges in for the sake of...

Praghna is a senior who is pumped to return to Eagle’s Eye as an Executive Editor! She’s planning on pursuing a degree in chemistry in...