Come one, come all to the “Eagle’s Ear,” where gossip gurus Jonah Yinger, Nora Gillett, Jadon Frank, and Elizabeth Sobel unpack your craziest confessions and indisputably solve your juiciest drama! If you liked the Eagle’s Eye Advice Column and are in need of even more guidance, this is the place for YOU!
Hosted by Jonah Yinger and produced by Jadon Frank.
The Eagle’s Eye Confessions Column
About the Contributors

Jonah Yinger, Arts and Entertainment and Satire Editor
This is Jonah’s third year writing for the Eagle’s Eye and his second on the editing team. Aside from writing and editing bomb articles, Jonah feels the most in his element while on long and arduous hikes and collecting postcards for his bedroom walls.

Nora Gillett, Graphic Designer and Publicist
This is Nora’s second year on the Eagle’s Eye and first year as a graphic designer. Though she loves making graphics, she also loves to spend time outside–preferably on a hike of some sort, throwing pottery, and hanging out with her friends.

Jadon Frank, Podcast Editor
Jadon is a senior returning to his second year on the Eagle’s Eye as Podcast Editor! You can find him working many unpaid hours as a lighting designer for Enloe Theatre. He has a cat.

Elizabeth Sobel, News Editor
Elizabeth is a senior at Enloe returning to the paper as this year’s News Editor! As a member of Enloe’s Symphony Orchestra, she spends a lot of time practicing the harp. In her free time, she enjoys painting, perusing the halls of the North Carolina Museum of Art and reading about the latest archeological discoveries.
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