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The Student News Site of Enloe Magnet High School

Enloe Eagle's Eye

The Student News Site of Enloe Magnet High School

Enloe Eagle's Eye

The Student News Site of Enloe Magnet High School

Enloe Eagle's Eye

The Instagram Accounts of Enloe: Ranked

The Instagram Accounts of Enloe: Ranked

Jadon Frank and Wyatt Gessner September 27, 2022

Any Enloe student will be familiar with Enloe’s myriad of official social media accounts, and if anything, a phenomenon unique to Enloe must be the sheer amount of unaffiliated student-run accounts with...

Must See Sports: Enloe Volleyball

Must See Sports: Enloe Volleyball

Greene Rand and Mason Rheinhardt September 28, 2021

“They’re missing out if they’re not coming,” says Mr. Fuss, social studies teacher at Enloe High School. And he couldn’t have said it better—Enloe volleyball is a must-see event. Playing for...

East Building Rooftop Pool Closed Indefinitely After Another ACT Misadministration, Students and Staff Heartbroken

East Building Rooftop Pool Closed Indefinitely After Another ACT Misadministration, Students and Staff Heartbroken

Matthew Burkhart, News Editor March 30, 2021

Enloe’s cherished rooftop pool, located on top of the East Building, was tragically closed indefinitely on March 23rd after a crack in the floor of the pool caused a leak in the East Gym during the ACT...

Reliving the Good Old Days

Reliving the Good Old Days

Gwen O’Connor, Co-Editor in Chief July 7, 2020

Now I’m what some might consider a saver of sentimental things. To others, I’m just a hoarder. But cue Simple Plan’s “I’m Just a Kid” blasting through your MP3 player, because the time is now...

Why every budding Enloe entrepreneur should use the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Regulatory Robot tool

Why every budding Enloe entrepreneur should use the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Regulatory Robot tool

Bran Poster, Editor January 10, 2020

Safety, safety, safety. Gone are the times of snake-oil peddlers and drugged-up baby food. Gone too are the broken strollers, choking hazards, and lead paint. The Consumer Product Safety Commision (CPSC),...

Katie Hazel

Katie Hazel

Navya Katraju, Opinion Editor December 4, 2019

  “Art is vulnerable. Putting your work out there is scary. But don’t let that fear stop you from doing something you truly love.” Katie Hazel, Enloe alumni and former centerfold editor...

Report Cards: Still Relevant? Or A Thing of The Past?

Report Cards: Still Relevant? Or A Thing of The Past?

Maddie Ma November 15, 2019

Before the rise of PowerSchools, parents would often have no idea what their child’s grades looked like until report cards arrived. Report cards are what they used to check up on their children, and...

Latest Enloe Insta Trend And The Accounts Following You

Latest Enloe Insta Trend And The Accounts Following You

Arul Gundam and Madison Goodwin October 29, 2019

Coinciding with the start of this school year, Enloe students witnessed a dramatic takeover of their Instagram feeds in the form of various Enloe-related accounts. These accounts discuss everything: from...

Get Bar Soap Trending

Get Bar Soap Trending

Eliza Davis, Publicist October 21, 2019

How many bottles are in your shower right now? You know the ones, thick plastic, big push tops or caps. If you are like me, you go through a bottle of conditioner like nobody’s business when it’s hair...

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