Elise Kohli, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• January 7, 2025
Your baby bangs are going to ruin your life
Baby carrots
Bobs without bangs
Striped sweaters
The Weeknd
Weird shirts
Bangs without bob
Come one, come all to the "Eagle's Ear," where gossip gurus Jonah Yinger, Nora Gillett, Jadon Frank, and Elizabeth Sobel unpack your craziest confessions and indisputably solve your juiciest...
On Saturday, February 10th, 2024, I attended the Queen of Hearts dance, or QoH, at Needham B. Broughton High School. I know, I know, traitorous–how could I?? But don’t come at me yet. Listen, it was...
As seniors, we have accumulated a vast amount of wisdom and knowledge over the past three years, which we now provide you with. Here is one last guide on how to survive Valentine’s Day at Enloe High...
Minty Parker, Graphics Editor and Publicist
• December 12, 2023
Dear Spotify,
You are the bane of my existence.
Every year, your stupid little “Wrapped” comes out, and I tap, furiously, through the Instagram stories of my peers posting their top artists from...
Based on popular demand, College Board has made the decision to administer a few new exams this AP testing season, which were inspired by Enloe High School’s culture. Yes, many of you are maybe thinking...
Y’all really liked last year’s guide and seemed to take some advice from us, so here’s an updated 2023 version! This guide has even more advice your lonely, single-as-a-pringle self could use this...
Even though Kevin McCarthy was selected as Speaker of the House after a grueling 15 rounds, the Eagle’s Eye has a list of nominees in the case that McCarthy gets removed as a result of the newly instated...
/fôl/ /ôf,äf/
When a person, place, or thing was once hot, but now is not.
As a culture, we tend to romanticize the past. Everyone loves talking about old music or old movies or what...
Charity Ball is right around the corner, the night when guys finally give in and let their mothers choose their outfits. We all know that the most important part of Charity Ball is getting a date and upon...
Jonah Yinger, Arts and Entertainment and Satire Editor
• October 19, 2022
Over millennia, ages even, we as a species have evolved to become more agile, refined, and emotionally intelligent. One thing has evidently not been eradicated from our DNA: Being a downright hater. This...