Kaeleigh Kruger: A True Devout to Enloe Theatre
The arts programs at Enloe have always been a very important part of our school’s identity, especially theatre. From the fall plays to the spring musicals, every show in the past has been successful. However, many people aren’t aware of the ensemble of amazing actors and actresses it takes to put up such good shows. To learn more about the behind the scenes, we talked to senior Kaeleigh Kruger about her time at Enloe theatre as well as some other aspects of her high school experience.
Let’s start at the beginning: “I think I started…[acting]… in first grade, which is about eleven years to now- it’s crazy!” To this day, Kaeleigh actively participates in the school musicals and plays, before COVID, she also performed outside of school. Kaeleigh’s most recent role was in Enloe’s fall play, 110 Stories, which opened in early November of 2021. She was cast as Susan Flis, who is a “really strong, independent woman, who volunteered during the aftermath of 9/11. It’s funny because we’re completely different. She’s super straight-forward and professional, and I’m the complete opposite of her. It was a very cool character to play.” When asked about her most memorable role so far, she replied, “…I think Joan in A Killer Party was really fun, because, …[we were virtual at the time]… it was like filming a movie. I actually got to go to the beach and while we were there we filmed almost a music video-like thing, it was really fun. I got to wear really pretty dresses and just dance around. It was really cool.” We also asked to elaborate on the character of Joan: “She’s like this crazy ASMR lady and she fakes a really poor Russian accent; I actually had to work with a dialect coach in order to perfect my bad Russian accent!”
We also talked about Kaeleigh’s upcoming roles in the spring musical, Pippin, in which she will be a part of the overall cast. Kaeleigh’s brother, Conor Kruger, who is also a familiar face in the Enloe theatre, will be playing the lead role of Pippin. “Conor and I are really close, he’s two years younger than me, and I think we shifted from being just siblings to really close friends when I was in eighth grade. I remember I woke up one day and I was like, ‘Wow, I should really be friends with my brother!’ What’s funny is that we have the same interests, too. We sing, act, do voice lessons, and play guitar, even though he’s better at that than me!” Kaeleigh also mentioned that they have a lot of the same friends too. Kaeleigh’s also just as close with her parents as she is with her brother. They’re favorite thing to do together as a family is karaoke. “We usually just belt out songs like nobody’s watching. This was one of our favorite pastimes during the pandemic, I think it brought us closer together.”
For college, while the school is still undecided, Kaeleigh would like to major in classical vocal performance (opera singing). She also wants to go on to become a vocalologist. “A vocologist is someone that coaches singers (professional or not) to maintain healthy vocal chords,” Kaeleigh explains. One of her greatest inspirations at school is Ms. Thornton, the head of the acting department. Ms. Thornton has also directed the spring musical every year. “…Ms. Thornton is really intense, but in such a good way. I was in her class all four years of high school, plus the school musicals, and I love her!”
Kaeleigh’s an extraordinary actress, friend, sister, student and mentor. Many people in the theatre department look up to her. One Enloe sophomore described her as “kind-hearted, sincere and driven.” A true Enloe Scholar!
Kaeleigh- thank you so much for being yourself. Your passion for theatre and the arts is astounding! You and the entire theatre department deserve so much more recognition. We hope that you’ll be the inspiration for many more actors and actresses at Enloe, as well as many more theatre-related articles from the Eagle’s Eye. Thank you again for all that you bring to our school! We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

Praghna is a senior who is pumped to return to Eagle’s Eye as an Executive Editor! She’s planning on pursuing a degree in chemistry in...